7-Point Checklist: After You Publish a New Blog Post

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One of the most indispensable components of a powerful inbound marketing strategy, blogging has indeed come a long way. While some marketers seem to believe that blogging can no longer deliver results like it used to, a recent survey on SEMrush showed that blogs are the most popular content format, with eight out of ten marketers employing blog posts to achieve their marketing goals!

With a plethora of advantages, blogs can efficiently drive traffic to your website, boost your SEO ranking, assist in effective lead generation and business growth! In a nutshell, practiced intelligently, blogging is a truly unique and unmatched digital marketing tool for any business. Having said that, there are a few things that you should be doing with respect to content promotion and moderation. This blog elucidates the 7 things that are vital to a successful blog promotion strategy -


  1. Proofread Once Again -
    The most important thing to do after publishing a blog post, although it may seem tedious, is to proofread it one last time. While it is a common practice to re-read and edit the blog thoroughly before publishing it, re-checking to ensure that all the essential elements like grammar and punctuation along with formatting options like font and text size are in place after publishing it, is absolutely imperative. After working diligently to put out a good content piece, the last thing you would want is for your readers to point out errors that have been overlooked by you.
  1. Notify Your Email Subscribers -
    Next, as a part of your content promotion plan, let your subscribers know about your new blog update through your email newsletters as they are your most loyal customer base who look forward to hearing from you. Sending out ‘teaser emails’ by sharing snippets of the new blog is one of the most popular email marketing strategies to attract traffic and optimize engagement. Industry-leading tools like Hubspot Email Marketing, MailChimp and Drip can help you augment your email marketing efforts to a great extent.
    To learn about 6 actionable email marketing tips to maximize ROI, read this.
  1. Promote it via Social Media -
    With nearly 50% of the world’s population being active on social media, it comes as no surprise that about 95.9% of content creators promote their blog posts via social media! Integrating the blog promotion strategy with your social media strategy can earn you remarkable results. Powerful copies coupled with strong visuals for your social media posts will significantly influence your target audience to give your blog post a read. Additionally, ensure that you incorporate your social media handles at the end of all your blog posts, to facilitate the user journey and maximize reach.
    To check out some of the latest updates from the social media world, click here.
  1. Integrate With Your Old High-Performing Posts -
    Another strategic way of driving traffic to your new blog post is by visiting your old high-performing blog posts and integrating them with links to your new blog posts. This will substantially boost your content’s organic performance by driving traffic to your new post along with establishing a strong SEO framework for your website. Furthermore, you can also explore opportunities of earning quality backlinks from other leading sources in your niche for optimum results!
  1. Respond to Comments -
    This simple step is often overlooked by many content marketers. When earning engagement on your posts is a challenging task in itself, simply replying to the comments on that post can prove to be exceptionally beneficial in the long run as it is a wonderful opportunity to connect and build a relationship with your audience. Besides, greater engagement statistics on your posts will attract and encourage other readers to read as well as interact with your post.
    To learn about the fundamentals of building a strong online presence, read this.
  1. Repurpose into Other Content Formats -
    Do not forget to promote your content by repurposing your blog into different content formats as it can help you gain maximum reach with minimal effort! This has numerous benefits, the most prominent of which is that you can attract different audiences from across different platforms using the same content. For example, you can repurpose your blog into a social media post, a video, a presentation, an infographic or even an ebook to maximize your content promotion efforts!
  1. Analyze the Performance Metrics -
    Lastly, make sure you measure the performance of the new post by analyzing your content metrics like user behavior analytics (eg: average time on page, bounce rate, etc), engagement indicators (eg: likes, comments and shares) or even SEO results (eg: rise in organic traffic and number of backlinks, etc). Doing so will not only help you identify the gaps in your content strategy but also help you in understanding your target audience better, to be able to come up with more effective blog posts in the future.

For further support to grow your business, our team at Parkyd Digital is available and happy to help you. With a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape and over a decade of industry experience, we offer holistic marketing solutions that are customized according to your requirements to effectively boost your ROI and achieve your business goals. 


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