7 Ways to Lower Your Website’s Bounce Rate

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While having a website and social media accounts has become second nature for businesses everywhere, the evolving digital landscape has brought about an e-commerce and marketing revolution. As such, an online presence has become a vital component of the commercial framework. In this blog, let us learn about one of the most integral website optimization metrics - bounce rate.

Let’s start with the basics:


What is the bounce rate?

By definition, bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave a webpage instantly or without performing any action (for example: clicking on a link, filling out a form, making a purchase, etc).


What does a higher bounce rate indicate?

A higher bounce rate, when considering content-powered webpages addressing the concerns and queries of the users, maybe looked at as a positive indicator in terms of website optimization since this means that the webpage meets the user expectations perfectly, delivering exactly what they need!

However, when it comes to a website homepage, an e-commerce listing page or a landing page created to direct traffic from paid advertising endeavours, a higher bounce rate is often an indication of poor user experience! This being the more widely-used interpretation of the term, a higher bounce rate signifies the failure of the current parameters and the need to radically restructure the necessary components. Especially for such cases, we’ve collated a list of factors that can help to drastically reduce a website’s bounce rate -


Short Page Load Times

Webpage load time is one of the most important factors when it comes to user experience. Research suggests that the probability of a user exiting the site increases by 32% when a page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds! Hence, first and foremost ensure that the website has an incredibly short load time!


Easy Navigation

Complex website architecture can leave the users confused, lost and displeased, leading to a substantial rise in bounce rates and loss of potential leads. Therefore, ensure that the website is designed with a growth-driven approach to promoting easy navigation and user engagement. Additionally, integrating the website with a search bar for the users can prove to be highly beneficial!


Powerful Call-To-Actions

Yet another factor that plays a key role in web page optimization is the call-to-action (CTA) placement. Make sure that the CTAs are relevant, straightforward and captivating as well as strategically placed, persuading the visitors to take prompt action. Research indicates that landing pages with personalized CTAs can boost conversions by an amazing 202%!


Strong Internal Linking

Strong internal linking will not only encourage the visitors to spend more time on the website but also yield great SEO benefits. It will assist and encourage visitors to explore the website in detail along with promoting engagement and optimizing conversions. To learn about the key components of a successful inbound marketing strategy, read this.


Mobile-Responsive Design

With smartphone usage increasing exponentially, optimizing the web pages for mobile devices is an absolute must! Research shows that 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company due to bad mobile experiences. For this reason, take all the necessary measures to make your website completely mobile-optimized, thereby offering an uninterrupted experience to the users.


Clear Meta Description

A meta description is a snippet that provides a concise summary of the webpage. Ensure that it is crafted in a way that is easy to understand, in alignment with the webpage and integrated with the targeted keywords for best results. Doing so will direct only qualified traffic to the webpage which in turn will result in lower bounce rates!


Offer Live Chat Support

Lastly, offering live chat support to the users is an excellent modern-day approach to lower the bounce rates of websites. Due to its round-the-clock availability, it can cater to queries or concerns that the visitors may have immediately, thereby smoothening their buyer journey as well as establishing a personal connection with them. To read a concise guide to conversational marketing, click here.


For further support to grow your business, our team at Parkyd Digital is available and happy to help you. With a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape and over a decade of industry experience, we offer holistic marketing solutions that are customized according to your requirements to effectively boost your ROI and achieve your business goals.

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