How To Generate More Leads & Customers For B2B Businesses in 2023?

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B2B lead generation is one of the biggest challenges faced by a plethora of businesses. While the old strategies used were effective until recently, an evolving retail landscape borne through an inflow of emerging technology has made these strategies all but obsolete.

As a result, marketers often struggle to come up with B2B lead generation ideas that can not only survive but also prove advantageous in a technological revolution that is fueled by consumer insights and behavior. Therefore, they are constantly on the lookout for new, improved and effective marketing strategies to attract customers.

Customer acquisition is not the simple equation it once was. Today, it has grown into a multi-layered, dynamic process that needs a careful approach. Customers expect a personalized experience and a promise of quality from businesses. They depend on reviews, testimonials and endorsements coupled with product images and videos to streamline their journey! More often than not, operating on these multiple platforms becomes a necessity for business owners. This is an overwhelming task in itself and it is quite easy to find yourself lost. 

But don’t sweat! Our amazing team of marketers have carefully compiled a list of strategies that you can utilize to not just attract great leads, but also drive more customers to your B2B business. 

Invest in Content Marketing

Research indicates that 82% of marketers actively invest in content marketing! It is the strategic approach of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and crisp content with an aim to attract, acquire and retain a defined target group. Different content formats like blogs, infographics, videos, case studies, whitepapers, etc are employed in various combinations to connect with the audience. Going forward, the content can also be strategically gated to capture the basic information about the visitors like their name and email address; in order to generate relevant leads for the business!

To learn how to develop a flawless content marketing strategy in 6 simple steps, read this.

Optimize for Organic Search Results

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most lucrative lead generation strategies for B2B marketing. Ranking higher in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) relevant to the industry will prove instrumental in attracting high quality leads for your business at almost no cost at all. According to research, over 51% of revenue is captured by organic traffic, making it a profitable investment to solidify the revenue stream for any business! Having said that, a successful SEO strategy is a long-term process and a combination of various valuable components.

To learn about SEO strategy tips and tactics that will help you dominate the SERPs, read this.

Spend On Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Another strategy used for B2B lead generation is paid search advertising. While obtaining SEO results may be a long term process, businesses can take advantage of strategically executed Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns to appear on the first page of the search engine for their targeted keywords to generate relevant leads. Though the overall conversion rate from PPC ad campaigns may not be as high as that of SEO, they do have the potential to drive immediate results and play a key role when it comes to creating awareness, retargeting and boosting the brand recall value.

Leverage Social Media Marketing

It is a common misconception that social media marketing is not for B2B lead generation. The right, cohesive social media strategy for specific platforms (eg: Linkedin) used intelligently, can enable growth, multiply engagement and ultimately prove to be immensely beneficial in generating quality leads for the business. It offers a unique opportunity to directly engage with potential customers in real-time. To achieve the best results from social media marketing efforts, it is imperative to ensure that the content produced is aesthetically designed, effectively communicated, in alignment with the brand values and most importantly, integrated with strong CTAs.

To learn about 5 ways to effectively use Linkedin Stories for your business, click here.

Offer Live Chat Support

Lastly, customers in current times prefer live chat over any other contact channel, making it a requisite for every business! Live chat allows businesses to track website visitors and proactively reach out to them, thereby maximizing the possibility of lead generation through a timely and effective communication strategy. Moreover, it also plays a vital role in establishing a personal connection with the customer and smoothening the buyer’s journey. Research claims that live chat leads to a 48% increase in revenue per chat hour and a 40% increase in conversion rate!

Offer Discounts To New Customers

Offering discounts on the first purchase is one of the best ways to tactically acquire new customers for a business. Not only does it encourage new users to explore your website but also successfully convinces hot leads into shopping with you. An effective way to further incentivize discounts and promotions for the potential buyers is by adding a time limit to the offer, which often results in quicker conversions! Once the purchase is made, you can track their preferences to send them personalized deals and promotions in the future, in order to engender customer loyalty.

Run An Exciting Referral Program

Attracting new customers to your business by way of word-of-mouth marketing, especially through satisfied customers can get you results like none other. Research suggests that people are 4 times more likely to buy something when referred by a friend! Be proactive in using this marketing strategy to your business’s advantage by introducing an exciting referral program wherein you can reward both - your existing customer base for spreading the word as well as the new customers for making a purchase in some way (eg: discount codes, freebies, etc). Apart from boosting revenue for your business, this practice will also make your existing customers feel valued and help you nurture your relationship with them.

Collaborate With Other Businesses

Yet another marketing strategy to effectively reach out to your target group is by collaborating with businesses catering to a similar target group but aren’t directly competitive to your business. For example, if yours is a sustainable clothing brand, you can collaborate with businesses that produce sustainable lifestyle products and offer a combo deal to your audience. This will prove to be a win-win strategy for both businesses as it will allow them to tap into each other’s clientele and target groups and mutually benefit from the increased reach.


Lead generation is a crucial aspect of any B2B business, and it requires a multi-layered approach that takes into account the latest marketing strategies and consumer behavior. By investing in content marketing, optimizing for organic search results, running pay-per-click campaigns, leveraging social media marketing, offering live chat support, providing discounts to new customers, and running referral programs, businesses can attract more leads and customers in 2023. By continually analyzing and adapting to the changing market trends, B2B businesses can stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Look no further than Parkyd Digital. Our team of experienced digital marketing experts is dedicated to helping businesses like yours achieve their sales and marketing goals. Whether you're looking to increase your online visibility, attract more qualified leads, or improve your conversion rates, we've got the expertise and experience to make it happen. With our personalized approach, cutting-edge tools, and time-tested best practices, we'll create a customized strategy designed to deliver real, measurable results.

So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about how Parkyd Digital can help accelerate the growth of your business.

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We are a B2B digital marketing agency focused on delivering innovative, strategic and cost-effective solutions that align with your sales and marketing goals. Through an ROI-driven approach, proven data-driven techniques and over a decade of experience, we help you generate high-quality leads, optimize your conversion rate and build customer loyalty.


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