Video Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter

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Owing to its interactive nature, a shift in consumer preferences and an exponential increase in smartphone usage, video marketing has become one of the most essential components of any business’s marketing framework. According to research, 87% of marketers include video content marketing as a part of their digital marketing strategy with 83% claiming to get a much better ROI because of it!

Moreover, the increased smartphone usage coupled with a social media revolution (Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, etc) has substantially amplified the ease of access to video content. Keeping this in mind, the use of basic as well as advanced video marketing metrics is vital to measure the success of any video marketing campaign. Mentioned here are some of the most informative and useful video marketing metrics that every business should take advantage of -

View Count -
View count, as the name suggests, indicates the total number of views on your video. This is an elementary video marketing metric that helps one understand the performance of the video in a generic sense. While there are multiple ways to boost the view count, some of which include promoting it via social media channels, email campaigns or by way of influencer marketing; the view count is simply a metric used to measure the reach of the video and does not determine the success of your overall marketing strategy. Additionally, remember that different platforms measure and display the view count differently. For example, YouTube considers one view count after a user watches the video for a minimum of 30 seconds whereas for Facebook the requisite time limit for a view count is merely 3 seconds!

Play Rate -
Simply put, the play rate is the total number of times the video was played divided by the total number of impressions it was able to obtain. This metric is the key performance indicator for various elements of your video marketing campaign like the thumbnail, copy, design, description, keywords, placement, etc. A low play rate indicates that some of these elements are weak, irrelevant to the target audience or simply not in alignment with one another. Focusing on improving the play rate for a video is of paramount importance since it is the underlying factor of success for any video promotion strategy.

Engagement Rate -
Engagement rate indicates how long a viewer continues to watch the video and is an excellent metric to measure the quality and effectiveness of the video. This metric provides detailed insights like the exact point at which the engagement drops, which parts of the video are being skipped, which parts are being viewed multiple times, etc. This data can be analyzed in the form of a graph and one can make the necessary changes to the video to enhance its performance for the best results.

Social Sharing -
The most widely known metric of all is social sharing. It depicts the total number of times the video has been shared across different social media channels. This metric primarily reflects how relevant and valuable the audience finds the video and plays a pivotal role in creating brand awareness, nurturing leads and boosting conversions for a business. Research shows that social videos generate a staggering 1200% more shares than text and image content combined! Consequently, if implemented tactfully, video content marketing holds the potential to generate a great deal of ROI. To learn about social media strategy guidelines to boost an e-commerce business, read this.

Click-Through Rate -
Lastly, the most crucial metric to measure the success of a video content marketing strategy in terms of whether the video was compelling enough for the audience to take the desired course of action, is the click-through rate (CTR). It is the percentage of clicks acquired on the call-to-action (CTA) from the video. The goal could be to drive traffic to the business’s website, encourage sign-ups for an event, foster subscriptions or even make a purchase. A low CTR indicates the need to reconsider the CTA placement or to make it more powerful and relevant to the target audience. Tracking the CTR can help one estimate the video conversion rate to a great extent, which in itself is such a difficult metric to track.

To learn how small businesses can use Instagram Reels to boost organic reach, click here.

For further support to grow your business, our team at Parkyd Digital is available and happy to help you. We are a B2B digital marketing agency focused on delivering cost-effective, innovative, strategic solutions that align with your sales and marketing goals.

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